Our industrial security guard is specially trained and security service conforms to OHSAS 18001 standard
When it comes to security, Industrial premises often pose many challenges . From factories to gatehouses that are often vast, open air, located remotely, it can be extremely challenging to secure these areas.
With this in mind, here at Novus Altair, we have invested our years of expertise and experience into devising industrial site security solutions that overcome these security challenges and provide you with the protection and safety your industrial site requires.
Novus Altair is a SIA approved security service contractor and all our security guards and officers are screened according to BS 7858. Our well trained professional security guards operate to the highest standard of BS 7499. We provide experienced door supervisors who abide by the British Standard BS 7960. Our trained security guards and officers can provide quality security service that is second to none.
Our local government security guards will go beyond the call of duty to protect your constituents and staff. We have a range of local government security services on offer and we can tailor it suit your specific requirements. The local government security services we offer are:
- Static Security Guard
- Search process of visitors
- Implementing and monitoring CCTV
- Updating log books and stock taking
- Alarmed response
- Random inspections
- Mobile security patrols
With material theft on the rise and industrial sites often located at remote locations away from the passing public, it is your responsibility to ensure the security of your industrial site is covered by a security company you can trust. At Novus Altair we survey your industrial site so that we understand exactly where your industrial site is most at risk and implement appropriate security procedures to ensure the security of all that is important in your industrial site. With a variety of security services for industrial sites available at hand, we will work with you to decide specific security services to provide you with the best level of security solution to your industrial site. Whether you require a static security guard to keep watch over a particularly susceptible area, or mobile patrols to cover every inch of your industrial site, we can provide it.
To ensure the security of your industrial site hire our trained industrial site security security guards. Call us today for a tailored industrial site security solution at a very competitive rate. We provide industrial site security services for a range of settings:
- Factory Security
- Warehouse Security
- Gatehouse Security
- Industrial Estate Security