
School, College and University Security

Specially trained and fully vetted security guards with DBS

Ensuring security at schools, colleges and universities is very challenging when you consider the huge area to be protected as well as the variety of assets together with the vast number of staff, students and visitors. At Novus Altair we provide a wide range of security services to ensure the safety of a variety of buildings from libraries to accommodation blocks. Novus Altair has designed a comprehensive school and university security services. We offer the following security services specifically tailored to schools and universities:

  • Controlling of access points to eliminate intruder risk
  • Onsite CCTV monitoring for a rapid reaction
  • Mobile patrols of campus and accommodation facilities
  • Prevention and diffusing of volatile situations
  • Reduction of onsite theft and violence

Novus Altair is a SIA approved security service contractor and all our security guards and officers are screened according to BS 7858. Our well trained professional security guards operate to the highest standard of BS 7499. We provide experienced door supervisors who abide by the British Standard BS 7960. Our professional school and college security guards and officers can provide quality security service that is second to none.

Schools and in particular universities often operate as small scale towns encompassing their very own communities. They offer a huge range of facilities, which are often accessible 24/7. Specifically in Universities sometimes facilities are located miles apart. This is exactly why at Novus Altair we provide mobile security patrols to cover your entire premises and ensure the safety and well being of staff and students. Our dedicated trained school and university security guards work around the clock.

With a vibrant atmosphere schools and universities are home to a range of situations which will need our attention. Our experienced school and university security guards can tackle any situation from brawls, vandalism to bullying effectively and efficiently. Our security guards will always take proactive approach that will ensure your students, staff, parents and visitors are reassured your institute is a secure environment. 

Whether you are a small school or a large university, call us today and find out how our tailored school and university security solutions can ensure a safe and secure environment within your budget.

call 0208 507 2743 for an instant quote.

Why Choose Us?

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  • Guaranteed Competitive Rates

    We guarantee to beat official quotes given by other security companies. To take advantage of this offer, email us the official quote received from other SIA approved and ISO 9001 certified companies. Our quality standards are always maintained.

  • Security Industry Authority Approved

    Novus Altair Limited currently holds SIA Approved Contractor Scheme Status for the provision of Security Guarding, Door Supervision, Key Holding & Close Protection Services. The SIA regulates the private security industry under terms of the UK Private Security Industry Act 2001. Check our approved status here.

  • Quick Response & Rapid Deployment

    For ASAP cover, we are on standby 24/7 to deal with your queries. We tailor security cover to suit your requirements. Our quick quotes are based on your budget. For added peace of mind a security guard can be deployed immediately while the full scope of services are being finalised.