
Festivals Security

Have fun while our watchful security guards remain vigilant

Every year a variety of festivals from music festivals to theatre festivals are hosted in UK. So whatever the festival you’re organising whether it’s a first time event, or one that already appeals to the masses, security is a priority which applies to any sized festival. Hoping to attract as many guests as possible as well as expecting that everyone who attends your festival has a great time, it’s imperative that your festival isn’t without its fair share of festival security guards and officers.

Novus Altair is an SIA approved contractor and all our well trained security guards abide by BS 7499. We employ a rigorous screening procedure of all our security guards and officers complying to BS 7858.

At Novus Altair with a proven track record of delivering high quality festival security services we can ensure the security of the venue and attendees. With our expertise in festival security solutions the time and finance you spend ensuring your festival is a success won’t be wasted.  With our past experience managing security at festivals we know how easy it is for a festival to get out of hand, taking just one bad review or incident at a festival to completely ruin its reputation not only for that year but for years to come. Therefore it is necessary that you hire experienced security guards for your festival from reputed security companies such as ours. 

We offer a variety of festival security services:

  • Front of house security
  • Static security
  • Mobile security patrols
  • Crowd control
  • Emergency planning procedure and evacuation mapping
  • Emergency service liaisons
  • CCTV surveillance

We will work together with you to identify your specific security requirements for the festival and provide you with a robust security solution that is effective and economical for you. We have a team of dedicated fully trained and qualified festival security guards who will professionally and efficiently handle any situations before they get out of hand. Offering everything from traffic management, front stage pit crews, campsite security to crowd management, here at Novus Altair we’ll put your every concern to rest. Our trained festival security guards will work as per to the tailored security plan and ensure the festival runs as smoothly as possible and more importantly that all of your guests feel safe.

So, whether you are planning for a festival, big or small, call us today and we guarantee to provide you a festival security solution that is appropriate and financially sound to you.

call 0208 507 2743 for an instant quote.

Why Choose Us?

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  • Guaranteed Competitive Rates

    We guarantee to beat official quotes given by other security companies. To take advantage of this offer, email us the official quote received from other SIA approved and ISO 9001 certified companies. Our quality standards are always maintained.

  • Security Industry Authority Approved

    Novus Altair Limited currently holds SIA Approved Contractor Scheme Status for the provision of Security Guarding, Door Supervision, Key Holding & Close Protection Services. The SIA regulates the private security industry under terms of the UK Private Security Industry Act 2001. Check our approved status here.

  • Quick Response & Rapid Deployment

    For ASAP cover, we are on standby 24/7 to deal with your queries. We tailor security cover to suit your requirements. Our quick quotes are based on your budget. For added peace of mind a security guard can be deployed immediately while the full scope of services are being finalised.