
Lecture at Tsinghua University: Academia and Industry Partnership

A Lecture by Dr Adnan Niazi on the 6th April 2018 at Tsinghua University in China. More information can be found on our R&D page.


Given the growing importance of academic research towards commercial exploitation, there is a need to foster a culture of collaboration between industry and academia. There are challenges and expectations on part of the relevant stakeholders.

The aim of the talk was to expound the nature of academia industry relationship in the context of a sustainable partnership. 

Dr Niazi outlined the potential research projects for which the academic funding may be made available through his fast growing spin out company Novus Altair based in UK.


The main areas for potential research funding are as follows:

  • Robots, drones and security
  • IT, software development and systems support for security applications
  • The role of technology in the context of global security challenges